Best American Science Fiction Short Stories 2021

As a teenager, there is a lot of curiosity rumbling inside your brain. And unfortunately, no one cares about that. You must have thought about it that what if we are alone in this entire universe? What if someday a meteorite hits the earth, and we all die at once? Don’t worry, your school will still survive.

A sci-fi story is fiction that is based on some scientific theory that could be of use to us humans in the near or distant future.

The Best American Series is the best science fiction book for teens that will surely make you think.

Why Is It A Must-Read Novel?


As a book lover, reading your book as a paperback is one of the best feelings ever. Holding it right in your hand and feeling the pages. It is amazing, isn’t it?

This cool science fiction book for teens is available as a paperback. And that means you can read it without caring about the charge left on your kindle. The biggest advantage of a paperback is that it doesn’t harm your eyes. And it smells good too.

Many sci-fi books are nowadays coming out as kindle editions, but not this one. So if you haven’t read a good paperback sci-fi book for a long time, go and read this one.

Available Ads Kindle Too

The book is available in a Kindle edition too. Not many like this, but it has its own advantages. You can read the book in places with very dim or no lights at all, they are budget-friendly. And you will not have to worry about the termites eating your favourite pages. Kindle editions are eco-friendly too. 

So based on your interest you can either get the paperback edition or the kindle one.

Sense Of Humor

Reading a monotonous science fiction story with no good humor is boring. Actually worse than boring. The author of this book has fantastically written the stories so that the readers don’t get bored and eventually give up on the book.


The book is actually written for everyone but teenagers can make the best out of it. It is written in such a way that it makes you think. In other words, it is a thought-provoking book.

What People Liked About The Book

  • It is available in both paperback and Kindle editions.
  • The book is written in a very humorous way.
  • It’s a collection of short sci-fi stories.
  • Has got more than four stars on Amazon.

What People Didn’t Like About The Book

  • The only thing that could be a downside for some people about the book is that it is 336 pages long and some readers don’t like a book so long.
  • Liking a novel is a personal choice, but most people who read the book found nothing that was off the point.


The book is the best science fiction book for teens. It has been written nicely and has twelve amazing sci-fi stories that are absolutely intriguing.

So, if you were in search of a good read for the month, you can give this book a try.

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